Service Concepts

Wellness ONE, operating as a social enterprise, takes on a business form to try and fill the service gap of rehabilitation equipment rental as well as creating capacity and self-sufficiency for the marginalized individuals. Bundling of expertise from occupational therapists, health care professionals, apparel designers and clothing factory, one-stop support will be available for the frail elders and individuals living with a disability to fit their rehabilitative needs in the area of adaptable and specially designed clothing, rehabilitation equipment, occupational services and home-care services, so as to improve their quality of life.

Service Area

Local area in HK

Service Content

Wellness ONE targets on the provision of one-stop rehabilitative service and full range of expertise for the deprived groups (e.g. CSSA recipients, elders, single parent, low-income families and the unemployed, etc.) in the community, in particular, value-priced high-quality products, economical choice of re-use equipment rental or on loan medical support facilities will certainly lessen their financial burden and pressure as carers.


  • Provide sales,
  • rent and second-handed donation of rehabilitation equipment and garments,
  • Occupational Therapist services and home-care services.
Eligibility for the Service
The elderly and needy people

Service Capacity
No limitation


The rent and margin deposit for renting rehabilitation equipment shall be charged (The margin deposit will be returned when the articles are given back).

Opening hours

9:00 A.M. to 17:30 P.M. from Monday to Saturday, (Rest at Sunday and  public holidays)

Application Procedure
You can phone us, come to the Center in person or referred by social service units / hospitals. We provide rehabilitation, medical and nursing devices for renting for families in need, and special rehabilitation equipment are introduced to take care of clients with disabilities
